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Some important beauty tips
Here is some imprtant Beauty tips with a very normal charges you can apply .
wieght loss
here are many methods for weight loss, some of them are easy but you need that such type of method for weight loss that is safe and healthy than others. Over weight or obesity is a cosmopolitan problem, it effect all types and classes of people from middle class to élite. Here we have some healthyweight loss tips for obese men, women, girls and even teenager. It is well known saying that health is wealth so health is number one in priorities because without fitness and health nobody can perform hie or her duties in daily life. Health remained the main focusing issue in past as well as in today’s world and in this regards different medias play their roles to uplifting the health status among the populations. Doctors, nutritionists and physiotherapists all highlights the issues about health and they also provide different solutions in this regard. The majority of the mass follows the instructions of these professionals, however, some obey the guidelines given by these experts. Among the health issues the most burning is obesity and because of this many men and women cannot participate different activities. Most of the time the obesity look hurdle and the victims wants to reduce this huge load from their bodies.
It is important that first of all always follow the medical professionals advice and try to bring in practice. When a person feels that he or she is suffering from obesity and then he or she needs to follow the advice of their family doctor or any medical expert because in this way he or she can avoid problems related to this issue. The very simple tip for weight loss is just cut down the diets that cause obesity and avoid the foods like sugar and fat. Sugar and fat are the basic components those cause obesity similarly relax and comfort lifestyle also a cause behind this problem. The era in which we are living is full of facilities and comforts, we use vehicles and even elevators for reaching somewhere. These facilities and less physical exercises convert our bodies toward the obesity and even it is now common in children. The obesity is a cosmopolitan problem and most of the women and girls are suffering from this. Obesity is not a hurdle in between activities, but it causes many health problems like hypertension, heart attack, arthritis and many others. Here, we have following weight loss tips.
1. Eat low-fat mayonnaise and low-fat content yoghurt.
2. Do not miss your routine meal.
3. Eat vegetables with chicken and meat.
4. Use salad with your normal meals.
5. Design a healthy, simple and quality menu.
6. Try to make such foods which have low-fat, sugar and salt.
7. Take your meal or food with complete chewing.
8. Divide your meals into four to five time a day.
9. Do not peel off fruits and vegetables because valuable vitamins are just beneath the skin of fruits and vegetables.
10. Take mild hot water with lemon juice it will also beneficial for your obesity.
11. Exercise is must for this and select exercise after consulting your doctor.
12. Positive attitude will be very helpful for this whole process.
fashion Tips for girls
Style or fashion is a trend, which is latest and going on nowadays, the desire for looking beautiful or handsome leads the teenagers towards the beauty parlors and they consult the fashion magazines. Fashion attracts the people and mostly it influences the teenagers. Mostly the girls are more concerned with fashion or style, but in this era boys also adopt the current world fashions. No doubt fashion not only camouflage the weaknesses, but enhance beauty. Fashion is an art and those who understand this they, know something about their personality, they manage it according to shape and complexion. Here, we have some basic fashion or style tips for girls.
It is most important and vital for the girls that have to select the dresses or shoes according to season, event and most importation according to their size. Always select the matching color combination with your complexion. Try to understand the season requirement and time of an event.
Selection of dress is vital because it can increase your value or it may devalue your personality, during the selection of dress keep it in your mind your plus and minus points about your body. Girls who have comparatively heavy physique should wear “V” shape neck shirt and horizontally arranged line shirt. Girls who have heavy lower body should wear loose trousers in this way nobody can guess your weight or it divert the attention of audience.
Makeup is also necessary part of fashion or style so try a light makeup in daytime and leave your skin as in natural color similarly in night parties or functions you have to select dark makeup shades and try to match your makeup with your dresses.
Here we have some fashion tips those are included in negative means or they are not included in fashion like to do not wear more rings or in all your fingers. Avoid to use black color lipstick, do not use very long shirts. Do not wear dark the evening parties. Always smile because it increases your face value and it says much more than you think.
Homemade beauty tips for face in summer
Summer is very hot in some part of the world and it damages the skin, which is some time irreparable. Although hydration minimize the effects of extreme temperature. However some impacts seen because of hot sun such as pigmentation and tanning. The summer shows and impacts its intensity even in air conditioned rooms, in open air the sun damages more and change the skin in to dull. In summer season the skin needs more care and cure and for this most of the girls and women do not have enough time to visit beauty clinics. To avoid from this and for better skin care we have some basic naturalhomemade beauty tips in summer.
Moisture is an important issue in summer and for this purpose you have to spread rose water or any other moisturizer and then can apply makeup on it, in this way the skin remain moisturized for more time.
Drink more and more water for skin hydration because hot evaporate water contents from skin as a sweat.
It is also vital that you have to wash your skin and rinse all the dirt from skin and face before applying the makeup.
Try to avoid from open sun and if it is necessary, then use sun blocker or take umbrella. Hat and cap can also protect your skin from sun.
Use ice pack on skin and face in summer and in this way you can reduce the sweating rate, similarly before going in sun wash your face with water because water is a natural moisturizer.
The oily skin face more problem in summer because in summer there is a lot of oil production so was your face three to four times in a day with cold water.